<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Wholesale Sales |
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To write up a Wholesale deal, click on "Enter Sales" or enter via drop-down menu from Sales > 1 - Enter Sales and select "Wholesale" in the top right of the "Sales Processing" screen. Click on the screen-shot below to learn more about various aspects of the "Enter Sales" screen.
General Information
When a sale is designated as a wholesale sale you will notice that many screens have greyed out sections as they are not in use for wholesale deals. There are three tabs that you will use to enter a wholesale sale. They include the Pricing Tab, the Customer Tab, and the Dealer Costs Tab. Once all of the information is entered you have the option of saving this to the Prospect File or as a completed sale. Remember that when the information is entered for a prospect, changes can still be made to the sale figures and all forms can still be printed. Once it is saved as a sale, you are unable to change any pricing information unless you cancel the sale and change the information for the customer in the prospect file.
•PRICING TAB – On this first tab (Pricing) you enter all of the information to establish the price of the vehicle. A lot of these fields are grayed out for entering a wholesale sale. The key information that is entered includes the vehicle price, down payment amount and pick-up note amount.
▪PICK-UP NOTE PAYMENTS - You can enter a schedule for pick-up notes (deferred down payments). This reduces the cash down payment that is calculated.
•CUSTOMER TAB – The data that is entered for customers is very self-explanatory. At a minimum, you need to enter a last name for each customer. If you are selling to a prior customer, the system will allow you to select that customer and their data will be displayed on this sale. This saves time with data entry
▪SOURCE CODES - These can be entered at any time to track where the customer came from, i.e. referral, ad. It is possible to require a source code to be entered for each sale. This can be done in your system options, click here for more information: Sales Options 2
▪NON –PUBLIC DISCLOSURE - The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Privacy Act requires that you inform your customers about your privacy policies. If you plan on disclosing some of your customers' private information to any third parties, except as allowed by law, then you must give your customers the option of not letting you disclose this information. This is referred to as "opting-out" of letting you disclose this information. For example, if a customer "opts-out" of this disclosure and another dealer calls for a reference on that customer, you are not allowed to disclose anything about that customer to another dealer. By checking the box indicating that a customer has "opted-out" of nonpublic disclosure, a message will appear on the Customer Activity window so that you always know that this customer does not want any information about them disclosed.
▪RESIDENCE ADDRESS – An option is provided to enter Residence Information if it is different than the mailing address. This may be required on your title application if your customer uses a PO box as a mailing address.
•DEALER COSTS TAB - This tab is available to enter information on the costs and the suppliers of any service contracts, insurance and other fees. Also on this tab a commission calculator is provided to calculate the cost of the commission associated with the sale. After the commission is calculated, there is also an option to print a commission a Commission Sheet.
▪SALESMAN – It is possible to add codes to track which salesman completed each sale. Salesman codes can be entered at any time. You can access the Salesman File by selecting the word Sales at the top of the main FRAZER screen and selecting Salesman File or by clicking on the BUTTON with the 3 dots to the right of the salesman code field.
How Do I Get There?
▪Click on the Enter Sales BUTTON.
▪Select Wholesale as Type of Sale.