<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Letter Codes and Instructions |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
Category |
Item |
Dealer |
Name, Street, City, State, Zip, CityStateZip, Phone |
Customer |
Name, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Title, Birthday, Email, Street, City, State, Zip,CityStateZip, SocSec, License, Phone, WorkPhone, CellPhone, OtherPhone, SpecialMessage, SaleMileage, FormMileage |
Cobuyer |
Name, FirstName, LastName, Title, Birthday, Street, City, State, Zip, CityStateZip, SocSec, License, Phone, WorkPhone, CellPhone |
Car |
Year, Make, Model, YearMakeModel, VIN, Stock, Color, TagNumber, PrevOwner, PrevStreet, PrevCity, PrevState, PrevZip, PrevCityStateZip, PrevPhone, Mileage, Style, EngineSize |
Trade |
Name, Year, Make, Model, YearMakeModel, VIN, Stock, Color, TagNumber, PrevOwner, PrevStreet, PrevCity, PrevState, PrevZip, PrevCityStateZip, PrevPhone, PayoffName, PayoffStreet, PayoffCityStateZip, PayoffDate, PayoffAccountNumber |
Trade2 |
Name, Year, Make, Model, YearMakeModel, VIN, Stock, Color, TagNumber, PayoffName, PayoffStreet, PayoffCityStateZip, PayoffDate, PayoffAccountNumber |
PickUpDue, PaymentDue, Promise, FinalPayment, OddFinalPay, InsExpiration, InsCancel, Repo, Sale, Today, LastPaid |
Insurance |
Name, Street, City, State, Zip, CityStateZip, Phone, Fax, Policy, Agent |
Lien |
Name, Street, CityStateZip |
SetPrompt |
Align |
DealerCustomer, CustomerDealer, SetColumnWidth |
Sale |
PayFrequency, Price, Payment, Total, APR, DownPay, TermMonths, PickupNote, AmountFinanced, Salesman |
A (Sale Price), B (Trade-in Allowance), C (Payoff on Trade), D (Title Fee), E (Past Due Amount), F (Repo Fee), G (Fees balance), H (Original Pickup Note), I (Total Owed), J (Balance Owed), K (Remaining Pickup Note), L (Balloon Payment), M (Other Receivables), N (Repairs Owed), O (Interest Paid), P (Simple Interest), Q (Payment Amount), R (Last Payment Amount), S (ACV of Repossessed vehicle), T (Unearned interest), V (Total Early Payoff Amount), W (Georgia Pro Rata Payoff Amount) |
Owed |
Current, Payoff, Repairs, Total, DaysPastDue, TenDayPayoff |
"Old" letter codes are available here. The old letter codes were used in the program prior to the current method and still function.
In order to add or subtract days from a date:
If the Sale Date is 5/15/08 then >DateSale+5< would print 5/20/08.
If the Repo Date is 10/17/08 then >DateRepo-11< would print 10/06/08.
If the Sale Date is 5/15/08 then >DateSaleText< would print May 15, 2008.
In order to add a prompt screen, click on item "SetPrompt" and the prompt screen will appear. Type the desired prompt information.
Align makes it possible to align columns a certain width apart. Click on Align under Category then SetColumnWidth to set the column (the program is defaulted to 30). Type Enter down to the next line and enter the columns to align. Type >Unalign< at the end of the columns. For example:
>DealerName< >CustomerName<
>DealerStreet< >CustomerStreet<
Text will align to the left and numbers will align to the right. Spaces between codes will remain as spaces.
In order to perform calculations, each value has been assigned a unique letter.
If the Sale Price = 10,000 and the Trade-In allowance = 1,000:
>MATH(A-B)< would print 9,000 (Sale Price minus Trade-In allowance).
If the Title Fee = 50 and the Repo Fee = 100 and the Other Fees = 200:
>MATH(D+F+G)< would print 350.
>01< - Dealers Name >37< - Insurance Policy #
>02< - Dealers Street Address >38< - Insurance Company Phone
>03< - Dealers City, State, Zip >39< - Customer's Home Phone
>04< - Dealers Phone >40< - Customer's Work Phone
>05< - Today's Date >41< - Vehicle Year
>06< - Customer Name >42< - Customer's "other" phone
>07< - Customer Street Address >43< - Vehicle Tag
>08< - Customer City, State, Zip >44< - Vehicle Color
>09< - Cobuyer Name >45< - Payoff when pursuing deficiency
>10< - Current Due Date >46< - Current Amount Due n/i Fees
>11< - Amt Owed to become current >47< - Days past due
>12< - Total amount owed >48< - Customers First Name with comma
>13< - Stock Number >49< - Salesmans name
>14< - Sale Date >50< - Customer's Early Payoff Amount
>15< - Social Security # >51< - Repo date plus 10 days
>16< - Regular Payment Amount >52< - Repossession Fee
>17< - Payment Schedule >53< - Lien Holder Name
>18< - Highest Credit Achieved >54< - Lien Holder Street
>19< - Customers Birth Date >55< - Lien Holder City, State, Zip
>20< - Balance n/i Fees & Repairs >56< - Trade-in Payoff Account #
>21< - Fees & Repairs Balance >57< - Today's date plus 20 days
>22< - Vehicle Make >58< - Pick-up Note Current Amount Due
>23< - Vehicle Model >59< - Total amount due to become current
>24< - Vehicle Serial # >60< - CoBuyer First Name
>25< - Insurance Expiration Date >61< - CoBuyer Drivers License
>26< - Repossession Date In >62< - CoBuyer Date of Birth
>27< - Amount owed for repairs >63< - Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
>28< - First name with comma >64< - Contract term in months
>29< - Date of last payment >65< - Down Payment
>30< - Customer City >66< - Regular Payment Amount
>31< - Customer State >67< - Buyers Drivers License
>32< - Customer Zip >68< - Buyers County
>33< - Insurance Company >69< - Selling Price
>34< - Insurance Street >70< - Today's date plus 10 days
>35< - Insurance City, State, Zip >71< - Total to become current in 10 days
>36< - Insurance Agent >72< - Customers email address
One additional hint: if you put two codes on the same line then the
first code may "push" the second code farther to the right to make
room for the actual data. To keep the second code from being pushed
you can add a second "<" to the right of the code. For example, the
code for the dealers name would be entered as >01<< to keep it from
being pushed right.